Welcome to Sri Padmalaya Rice Mills

Welcome to Sri Padmalaya Rice Mills

from the Finest Locales &
Proficient Farmers

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Welcome to Sri Padmalaya Rice Mills

Paddy Grains with Purely Sustainable
and Nourishable Values

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Welcome to Sri Padmalaya Rice Mills

Top-notch Rice
Production Results

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Welcome to Sri Padmalaya Rice Mills

Enriched and Healthy
Rice for One and All

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Sri Padmalaya Rice Mills

Your Trusted Source for Diamond Rice!

At Sri Padmalaya Rice Mills, we take immense pride in bringing you the finest quality Diamond Rice. With years of expertise and a commitment to excellence, we strive to deliver rice that surpasses your expectations in terms of taste, purity, and nutritional value.


Year Of Experience


Farmers Connected


Rice Bags Processed


Happy Customers


Aarogya Fortified Rice

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Sri Padmalaya Rice Mills

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Aarogya Fortified Rice with Essential Nutrients

Aarogya Fortified Rice is a premium rice variety specially fortified with essential nutrients to enhance its nutritional value.

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